Materials for the SC@NIME2020 workshop

Project maintained by muellmusik Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Table of Contents

  1. Examples using other Protocols
  2. HID
  3. Serial
    1. Arduino read example from the help file

Examples using other Protocols

Notional rather than working examples it’s often more convenient to use higher level approaches (e.g. Modality) to these


HID.postAvailable; // check which devices are attached
~myhid = 1103, 53251 ); // open the Run 'N' Drive game controller, put your own values here.

s.boot; // boot the server

Ndef(\sinewave, { |freq=500, amp=0.1| freq, 0, amp * 0.2 ) } );
Ndef(\sinewave ).play;

HIDdef.usage( \freq, { |value| Ndef( \sinewave ).set(\freq, value.linexp( 0, 1, 500, 5000 ) ); }, \X );
HIDdef.usage( \amp, { |value| Ndef( \sinewave ).set(\amp, value ); }, \Y );


Arduino read example from the help file

p = SerialPort(
    "/dev/tty.usbserial-A800crTT",    // edit to match your port. SerialPort.listDevices
    baudrate: 9600,    // check that baudrate is the same as in arduino sketch
	crtscts: true);    // use hardware flow control

// read 10bit serial data sent from Arduino's Serial.println

r= Routine({
    var byte, str, res;{|i|
        if(, {
            str = "";
            while({byte =; byte !=13 }, {
                str= str++byte.asAscii;
            res= str.asInteger;
            ("read value:"+res).postln;