Materials for the SC@NIME2020 workshop

Project maintained by muellmusik Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Table of Contents

  1. Connect some device
  2. HID example using a Nintendo Switch Pro Controller
  3. Running example

Modality is a higher level toolkit which makes adding controllers simple through a uniform interface: Installation info:

Connect some device

Look for available controllers


//make a new Modality controller object for the korg nanocontrol2
k = MKtl('midi_1_nanoko', "korg-nanokontrol2");

//make a gui for the device:

See all output from the device

//turn it off

See a hierarchical tree of all elements


// Post the output of the first knob
k.elAt(\kn, 0).action_({ |el| [, el.value.postcs] });

Clear the action

k.elAt(\kn, 0).resetAction;

Ndef(\harms, {{|i| * (i + 1), mul: ("amp-" ++ i) }).scramble) }).play;

k.elAt('sl').action = { |...args| Ndef(\harms).set("amp-" ++ args[0].index, args[0].value) };

HID example using a Nintendo Switch Pro Controller

First we’d need to pair this via bluetooth

This is what the spec looks like for the device (ht Sam Pluta)

~proswitch = (
name: \procontroller,
idInfo: "Pro Controller_Unknown",

protocol: 'hid',
deviceName: "Nintendo Pro Controller",
deviceType: 'joystick',
elementTypes: [\joystick, \button],
status: (
	linux: "unknown",
	osx: "Seems to Work - Sam Pluta 05/13/20",
	win: "unknown"

deviceInfo: (
	vendorURI: "",
	manualURI: "",
	longName: "Nintendo Switch Pro",
	// description: "",
	// features: [],
	// notes: "",

	hasScribble: false

elementsDesc: (
	elements: [
			key: \bt,
			shared: ('hidUsagePage': 9, 'elementType': 'button',
				'ioType': 'in', 'spec': \hidBut ),
			elements: [
				(key: '1', 'hidUsage': 1, 'style': (row: 2.5, column: 4)),
				(key: '2', 'hidUsage': 2, 'style': (row: 2, column: 4.8)),
				(key: '3', 'hidUsage': 3, 'style': (row: 2, column: 3.2)),
				(key: '4', 'hidUsage': 4, 'style': (row: 1.5, column: 4)),
				(key: '5', 'hidUsage': 5, 'style': (row: 1, column: 0)),
				(key: '6', 'hidUsage': 6, 'style': (row: 1, column: 6)),
				(key: '7', 'hidUsage': 7, 'style': (row: 0, column: 0)),
				(key: '8', 'hidUsage': 8, 'style': (row: 0, column: 6)),
				(key: '9', 'hidUsage': 9, 'style': (row: 0, column: 2)),
				(key: '10', 'hidUsage': 10, 'style': (row: 0, column: 2.8)),
				(key: '11', 'hidUsage': 11, 'style': (row: 3.2, column: 1.2)),
				(key: '12', 'hidUsage': 12, 'style': (row: 3.2, column: 5.2)),
				(key: '13', 'hidUsage': 13, 'style': (row: 0.8, column: 2.8)),
				(key: '14', 'hidUsage': 14, 'style': (row: 0.8, column: 2))
			key: \joy,
			shared: ('hidUsagePage': 1, 'elementType': 'joyAxis', 'ioType': 'in', 'spec': \cent1),
			elements: [
				(key: \x1, 'hidUsage': 48, 'style': (row: 4, column: 0.2, height: 1, width: 2)),
				(key: \y1, 'hidUsage': 49, spec:[1.0,0.0], 'style': (row: 3, column: 2, height: 2, width: 1)),
				(key: \x2, 'hidUsage': 51, 'style': (row: 4, column: 4.2, height: 1, width: 2)),
				(key: \y2, 'hidUsage': 52, spec:[1.0,0.0], 'style': (row: 3, column: 6, height: 2, width: 1))
		(key: \arrows,
			elements: [(hidUsage: 57, 'hidUsagePage': 1, spec:[0.0,8/7,\lin,1/7], 'ioType': 'in', 'elementType': 'slider', 'style': (row: 5, column: 2.5, height: 1, width: 2))]

Running example

Test this below:

d = MKtlDesc.fromDict(~proswitch);

m = MKtl(\procontroller, d);



m.elAt(\joy, 0).action_({|el| el.value.postln })

x = {\, 0.1), mul: 0.1), 1000))}.play;

m.elAt(\joy, 0).action_({ |el|
    x.set(\freq, el.value.linlin(0.13, 0.86, 300.0, 600));


x = {\, 0.1), mul: 0.1),
			\, 0.1),
			\, 0.1),
			\, 0.1)
	)) * \

m.elAt(\joy, 1).action_({ |el|
    x.set(\freq, el.value.linlin(0.13, 0.86, 300.0, 600));

m.elAt(\joy, 0).action_({ |el|
    x.set(\mul, el.value.linlin(0.13, 0.86, 0, 0.6));

m.elAt(\joy, 3).action_({ |el|
    x.set(\ffreq, el.value.linlin(0.13, 0.86, 500, 2000));

m.elAt(\joy, 2).action_({ |el|
    x.set(\rq, el.value.linlin(0.13, 0.86, 0.01, 0.2));

m.elAt(\bt, 7).action_({ |el|
    x.set(\env, el.value.postln);